High School Internship Program
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the HSIP Dates?
When will the 2024-2025 HIgh School Internship Program(HSIP) application open?
When is the application deadline for the 2024-2025 High School Internship Program (HSIP)?
How much will I get paid during HSIP?
How many hours will I be permitted to work?
How do I turn in documents for certification?
What if I do not have an email account?
All applicants must have an established email account, owned solely by them, to receive all correspondence regarding the 2024-2025 HSIP. Emailed updates will include: the application status, information regarding your assigned worksite, instructions for selecting a method to receive your stipend and/or paycheck, general program information and updates. In some cases, you will also receive items through traditional mail. If you do not have a personal email address, please visit one of the following links below to get a free email address before registering.
iCloud Mail
GMX Mail
Mozilla Thunderbird
Yandex Mail
Will this year's program be in-person, virtual, or hybrid?
Can I still participate if I have after school activities?
This year you will now be able to participate by semester. This will give youth more flexibility around their extracurricular activities. The following semesters will now be offered, however, you will not be able to participate during both semesters. See below:
Fall Semester (Tuesday, October 1, 2024 – January 31, 2025)
Spring Semester (Monday, February 3, 2025 – Saturday, May 31, 2025)
While most internships will take place after school (4:30 PM). Depending on job availability, internships start, and end times could vary. Especially, if you are a Senior with a half day schedule. If you have after school activities, please select the semester when you are most available and always speak with your internship supervisor if your schedule needs to be adjusted further.
How will I be matched to a job site?
Youth will be matched on the following criteria:
- Selections made by employers.
- Selections made by interests’ youth list on their online application
- In proximity to school and/or home in support of “Safe Passage”
- It is important that you spend time on your resume and that you carefully answer the questions about your career interests.